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[rk10][27S07] みんなが楽しくプログラミング出来る魔法

みんなが楽しくプログラミング出来る魔法tenderlove (AT&T Interactive)Programming for fun, or having fun programming. Ruby is the best language for both! Let's talk about programming after we've punched out from work, the programming we can do while drinking a beer, and the programming we can do to make our friends laugh. We'll take a look at projects built for fun, as well as projects built to have fun! We'll dissect them to figure out what makes them tick, then extract techniques that we can use with our day to day tasks.

投稿日:2010-08-28 00:15:21
PV:805  コメ:10  マイリス:24

Ruby RubyKaigi2010 ニコニコ動画講座 英語 プログラミング tenderlove たこ焼き仮面 PHP