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Ted Tigglecorn Interviews Fred Figglehorn

Get a Fred Party Pack at http://www.fredfigglehorn.com including your chance to be in a Fred video, a special Fred T-shirt, Who's Ready to Party Album, It's Hackin' Christmas with Fred CD and Fred poster.Music from the album can be found in the credits of the upcoming Fred movie premiering on Nickelodeon Sept. 18. Check http://www.nick.com/fred for more info!Available on DVD: Oct. 5In a rare interview, Ted Tigglecorn talks with Fred about his movie, album and what it means to be "Fred." The interview doesn't exactly go according to plan...

投稿日:2010-09-10 15:42:35
PV:33  コメ:3  マイリス:0

音楽 Fred Figglehorn Tigglecorn 投稿者コメント TED