作業用BGM ゲーム実況 三国志 ニコ生 VOCALOIDカバー曲 ガンスリンガーストラトス EXVS 麻雀 MHF beatmania
Non-Divine Comedy: 9.Whispering A Prayer Steve Vai
Shredding SAX Experiment The sound quality of my horn has been a big issue to me and it will stay the same in the future.You may have different impression when the story is played with the original sound source. But it's prohibited at this moment anyway.I believe the story is beautiful, the songs are beautiful, but my sound may not be.I'm ready to accept your criticizing & condemnation about my play, my recording and my mixing.I hope you understand my love & respect to these songs and the musicians. If you will, pls try to search the original songs and find how beautiful they are. And I hope you find the message in the story.mylist/22278625
投稿日:2010-12-13 06:58:51
音楽 Shredding SAX Instrumental Guitar Steve Vai