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Sayonara Memories - Speedy Torane Voyage RELEASE

Aaaand... here we are!! Speedy Torane Voyage [Actrade2] release!! Finally! It's fully configured, and ready to use. Technical information can be found in the 'readme' file inside his folder. Character information (and what has changed in him) can be found in his Wikia page, here: http://utau.wikia.com/wiki/SpeedyDownload his new VB here: http://www.mediafire.com/?73xyzfieedca505And enjoy his new Voice Bank!-Speedy Torane is my property.

投稿日:2011-08-27 05:47:39
PV:251  コメ:23  マイリス:5

speedy torane voyage utau 虎音スピーディ UTAU音源配布所リンク UTAU海外組 sayonara_memories UTAU獣人リンク 海外PのUTAU