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THE NOISETTES - Wild Young Hearts (FD acoustic session)

from YouTube | Uploaded by faitsdiversshow on Jan 24, 2009The Noisettes はUK・ロンドンを拠点に活動するインディ・ロック・バンドです.Album "Wild Young Hearts" released in 2009 on Vertigo / Mercuryhttp://noisettes.co.uk/http://www.vertigorecords.co.uk/http://www.mercuryrecords.co.uk/Acoustic session recorded in 'le grenier' @ the venue La Vapeur in Dijon during Generiq festival (february 08).

投稿日:2011-10-10 10:41:38
PV:22  コメ:0  マイリス:2

音楽 The_Noisettes