

人気タグ⇒ BORDERBREAK ラジオ ニコカラ 実況 マリオ ゼルダの伝説 ファイナルファンタジー テスト 韓国 神回 

Thieves Like Us - Your Heart Feels

from YouTube | Uploaded by andythief on Apr 8, 2009Thieves Like Us はパリ/ベルリンを拠点に活動するインディ・ポップ・バンドです.Album "Play Music" released in 2008 on SeaYou Records / Shelflife Recordshttp://www.thieves-like-us.com/http://www.seayourecords.com/http://shelflife.com/See you in the club. See you in the crowd. See you in the West and see you on East side. Doubt is in your heart shattering your mind making you feel low it gives you a hard time. Meet me after dark show me all your scars show me all your thoughts I'll show you a good time. See you in the club. See you in the crowd. I pass you by and I call your name. Your heart feels over and over./ Feels so low.

投稿日:2011-10-15 20:33:44
PV:122  コメ:1  マイリス:3

音楽 Thieves_Like_Us 洋楽