年末に会ったある人に、「日本はもう地震と津波から復興したんでしょ?」と聞かれショックを受けました。Youtubeにもアップしてます:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-QMR8E2XsI要訳:もうあまり耳にしないだろうけど、まだまだ復興には遠いので応援よろしく”There are still over 3,300 missing and over 340,000 refuges at the one-year anniversary of the disaster. Nearly 1,000,000 people are still facing affects from it every day though we no longer hear much about them. Japan, particularly Tohoku area, is struggling to recover from the 3.11.2011 Earthquake & Tsunami. And, people there still need and appreciate lots of your loves, prayers and cheers."東日本大震災、東北地方太平洋沖地震曲:"My Oh My" by Slade