

人気タグ⇒ BO2 レトロゲーム 例のアレ VOCALOID 競馬 MAD フリーゲーム AxisPowersヘタリア ラジオ iM@SノーマルPV 


This is her VCV+CV β 0.1 release. Many things have been fixed since the original Beta, such as some rerecorded strings and fixed CV otos. For more details visit the YouTube upload. I worked hard on editing the UST, so I hope you all like the cover! Big thanks to Moonst4r for puting together the video! | ■UST by TouneSoro186 | ■VB DL: http://www1.axfc.net/uploader/S/so/117105&key=kaisho (pass : kaisho) | ■Art by SomebodyToBelieveIn, Video by Moonst4r | ■Original: sm9293267 | ■YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATQAGVp8FVQ | ■mylist/31630822

投稿日:2012-03-06 07:30:02
PV:122  コメ:11  マイリス:7

音楽 UTAU音源配布所リンク 健気カイショ UTAU 七つの鐘 UTAU連続音音源 VOCALOID→UTAUカバー曲 UTAU海外組