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KI.DZU.KI_Dimension rise:dj-REAL/利唖瑠

I noticed. You are me and I am you.I'll always be with you.I always feel you in the heart.You're from a whole other world.A different dimension.You open my eyes,and I'm ready to go, lead me into the light.This is transcendental,On another level.The Creator's love is always with you, deep within you.You are never alone.here I am. Now!!Let's create the world new together.Let's leave for the new world filled with love and hope.

投稿日:2012-04-10 07:38:01
PV:87  コメ:1  マイリス:1

音楽 利唖瑠 dj-REAL 瞑想 覚醒  平和 宇宙 次元 アセンション