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[MMD] Slendy "Gets Down" - Awkward Backfire

That awkward moment full of awkward silence, after both Miku, Neru, and even the Turret got off at the station, while the poor Pewdiepie's stop is still far away. And Slendy don't feels like getting off, so he stays. A heart-warming... I mean awkard video about what happened following Slendy's "Get Down" dance.So actually, this is a small continuation for the previous one. Sorry for the bad quality, that's all my old-old JARVIS can handle. Hopefuly you like it.Program: MikuMikuDanceModels:-Slenderman: http://deadlyneurot0xin.deviantart.com/art/MMD-Slenderman-v1-1-model-download-322960897-Pewdiepie: -can't find the link for it right now, but I'll be on it--PL2 Subway stage: http://pl2-to-mmd.deviantart.com/gallery/30852775#/d5em6ea

投稿日:2012-10-29 17:55:29
PV:659  コメ:12  マイリス:0

ゲーム MikuMikuDance MMD海外組 期待の外人 pewdiepie スレンダーマン MMDホラー