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【Koyorin】I TRIED SINGING and DANCING aMa no Jaku【Tone Deaf rinrin~】

It's a little late, but I'm uploading this to Nico Douga~The next upload will be a new song, I promise~♪As expected, I'm really tone deaf(><);But, if you could watch with kind eyes,I'd be so happy(☆^0^☆)Youtube upload date: February 9th, 2013Mylist:mylist/34580908Community:co2021741Blog:http://ameblo.jp/ribbon5ky/Twitter:@koyokoyorinrinYoutube:Koyorin930【Request】Please do not upload this video onto other sites~【Thank you】Thank you so much for the ad~(^0^)♪ ♡ ゆたんぽ様 ♡ Comments ♡ Mylists ♡ Viewers Thank you~I'm so happy~(^^)

投稿日:2013-05-25 16:30:01
PV:645  コメ:6  マイリス:7

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