アイドルマスター2 動物 春香 ぬこ 政治 ボカロカラオケDB 実況プレイ 投稿者コメント ニコニコ歴史戦略ゲー カオス
[TAS]SNES Goof Troop (USA) in 16:36.57
Goof Troop (1993) is a cheerful puzzle game based on Disney show of the same name. The gameplay is somewhat similar to NES Legend of Zelda with its maze-like map filled with one-screen rooms, except this time the emphasis on puzzles is stronger, and you can play in co-op. In this movie the authors control two characters (Goofy and Max) simultaneously. This allows for a good deal of team work as one character can go get an item while the other heads for the exit. When there is no multi-tasking to do, the authors do a good job performing antics with one or both of the characters. This is a nearly 4 minute improvement over Frenom's previous movie. Improvements come from new tricks, better teamwork, luck manipulation and optimized movements.
投稿日:2008-03-24 02:42:14
ゲーム TAS disney goof SNES グーフィー Alligator=ありがとう パパはグーフィー グーフィーとマックス海賊島の大冒険 SFC