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I'm Bubbleman - HYADAIN / 8-BIT MIX

Arceus3000 here, with another new video, "I'm Bubbleman". I find this to be one of Hyadain's sadder songs...Credit to enigmaopoeia for providing the video file.The song I'll be mixing next is shown at the end of the video. It's something I'll be doing from now on, and I already have a general schedule planned with this.

投稿日:2009-01-17 06:08:31
PV:1767  コメ:34  マイリス:23

投稿者コメント ヒャダイン ヒャダインファンクラブ バブルマン Arceus3000 ゴルビー16bitMIXの人 もっと評価されるべき I'm_Bubbleman