

人気タグ⇒  utau ゲーム実況 マインクラフト 音MAD 作業用BGM ゆっくり実況プレイ VOCALOID ボカロオリジナルを歌ってみた ミクオリジナル曲 

Anime Characters Are Asians :: Chii 1 Vs 1000

Click http://www.ASIAnime.org/what-is-anime/ to get more detailed informations about Anime including Anime characters. As you have seen, even as yellow haired Anime characters which westerners keep saying based on their western's appearance we Asians still the one who look better cosplaying them. That is because no matter what colour the Anime characters are we Asians still made their facial & body form based on our own Asians facial & body form.

投稿日:2009-08-31 02:02:35
PV:57  コメ:3  マイリス:0

Asian Anime Cosplay Chii Chobits