三国志大戦 サッカー ボカロカラオケDB 格闘ゲーム PSP 進撃の巨人 PSP EXVSFB 実況プレイ 鉄道
DO NOT JEALOUS! Asian Males Play With Real Anime Girls
Because we Asian males got real Anime girls which of course our own cute adorable aged slower Asian females cosplaying as any Anime girls we Asian males want on our bed to play and to please us Asian males while you western males LOSERS got your own deep set eyed, long nosed, square faced, square jawed and big wide bodied western females wearing our Anime girls costume while trying very hard to act and to look cute to scare you western males LOSERS to death, even more scary is since your western females aged too fast they end look like a bunch of old nannies who trying very hard to look like young teenage girls in our Anime girls costume. Also do not forget that the Anime you western males LOSERS obsessed to watch and Cosplay were and are made by us Asian males.
投稿日:2009-12-19 08:02:45
Asian Anime Cute Adorable Cosplay Sakura Yoshizuki Konomi Bleach Persona